Portfolio Paco Hamelijnck
18 years old.
Third year Game Artist education at Deltion college.
3D Artist
Disclaimer I'm having a small bug with buttons. If you can't see buttons next to my work try making the browser bigger. (CTRL+)
I'm a 3D designer and love to make; Enviroments / Objects/ Organic models.
Who am I?
My name is Paco Hamelijnck. I am currently living in The Netherlands and following Game Artist at Deltion college. I enjoy making all kinds of 3D models. I'm a real teamplayer because working in a team is fun and I love to learn from my team. Also I won't hesitate to say what I think.
- MBO 3rd year Gaming Artist -
- 2010 - 2014: VMBO Economy -
Work Experience:
- 2013 year internship at restaurants-
- 2015/2016 Driver at dominos -
- Working with Scrums/Sprints -
-Currently working as promotion/salesmanager at SQ people -
Software Experience:
- Photoshop - 2 years experience -
- Basic skill level
- 3dsmax - 2.5 years experience -
- advanced skill level
- Unity - 2.5 years experience -
- advanced skill level
- Mudbox - 5 months experience (Currently learning) -
- Basic skill level
- Substance painter2 - 3 month experience -
- Advanced skill level
- Github - 2 years experience -
3D Artist
looking for internship
I'm currently looking for a internship in 3D graphic design.
Starting in August 2017.